When qualification is not enough

A Ukrainian engineer working as a laborer – this is a widely spread phenomenon on many building sites in the Czech Republic. Employers just waste human potential when highly skilled migrants work in low-paid, unskilled and precarious jobs, some at the limits of the law. How can we help migrants in their quest for a skilled employment? We’ve introduced our unique methodology which helps skilled foreigners to adequately put to use their education and practice on the Czech labor market.
Little knowledge of the Czech language, the precariousness of their residency status and the fact they have experience in their field only in their country of origin are a frequent source of low self-esteem for foreigners, and it reduces their chances of getting a job. We adapted career counselling to the specific needs of this target group, so that migrants manage to overcome barriers and secure a dignified place on the Czech labor market. Our training program offers:
- a training that prepares for the employment selection procedure
- a practical training of job interviews (through the Assessment Centre)
- theme-oriented language classes
- individual counselling
In the courses we are also largely focusing on identifying the potential of participants, setting career goals and the steps to achieve them. Successful graduates of the program have left it with an elaborate plan for getting their dream job and a career portfolio (the basis for positive self-presentation, not only at a job interview).
What is the feedback from the alumni?
“The program helped me find my way on the job market, figure out how it works in the Czech Republic, training the job interview was very important for me, what’s more the course helped strengthen my confidence," says graduate Anastasia, who secured a job in a Czech company a few months after completing the program. "It was my first experience with a job interview in Czech. I also used the acquired information on how to write a resume and cover letter. I think it helped me get a position as a teacher assistant," says Alena about her experience in the program.
Our sophisticated methodology for working with qualified migrants was awarded the first prize at the National Career Counselling Awards 2012.